Join Online

All information will remain confidential and you need not answer any questions you feel are private. However, we do need some basic information before we will process your membership. GRHE does not give this information or our mailing list to be used by other individuals or organizations.

Membership runs from July 1 through June 30. Cost for membership in GRHE for 2024-2025 is $30. Prorated fees for first time GRHE members are as follows: Applications received from June through September require $30 payment. From October to December, the amount is $22, from January to March, the amount is $15 and in April and May, it is $7. If you are in need of financial help, please fill out the financial aid form from our website Please mail your financial assistance form with this application

Please remember that GRHE is a Christian organization, governed by a Board of Directors, each of whom has agreed with the Statement of Faith set forth in our GRHE constitution. Our purpose is to support, encourage, and act as a source of information for those who are educating their children at home. We seek to bring glory to God in all that we do, and any activity sponsored or promoted by GRHE must be consistent with our Statement of Faith and with Biblical principles of Christian living. When you join GRHE, you agree to abide by any Board directed standards or policies for the activities or events in which you choose to participate. We look forward to a wonderful year, working together to support and encourage one another as we home educate our children.

GRHE Statement of Faith – There is one God who exists eternally in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and Who created and maintains the world and all things in it, including man. The Holy Bible is the only divinely inspired written revelation of God’s dealings with and will for man. It is God’s Word in its entirety; it is complete; and it is without error in all matters of fact and doctrine. God created man in a state of fellowship with Him, but, through disobedience, man fell from this state and became sinful by nature and deed for which he stands condemned. To redeem men from their fallen state and the penalty of their sins, God the Son, through the Virgin Birth, became incarnate as the man, Jesus of Nazareth, who was fully human and fully God. He lived a sinless life, this life being given on the cross in substitution for man’s sin. Upon completion of this substitutionary death, He was resurrected and dwells in Heaven today. Man cannot save himself from his fallen state but his salvation from this, and eternal presence with God is available to him if he accepts, by faith, the birth, the substitutionary death, the resurrection, and the deity of Jesus Christ.