Wow, a month has gone by since I last entered a blog post about our homeschooling experience. In the mean time, EVERYTHING has started in full swing and I feel like I am in what Tapestry of Grace curriculum writer Marcia Sommerville calls “The Six Week Fog”.
All my kids have started all their classes now and all those wonderful extracurricular activities. I feel a bit disorganized and overwhelmed by our workload and busyness. I thought I had prayed enough about our commitments but I find myself wanting to quit already and wondering if we took on too much academically! I have to preach myself a sermon when we hit that steep learning curve of each new year reminding myself of God’s faithfulness to sustain us, to give us the grace and even sometimes to bless us with success in our homeschooling efforts. Furthermore, I need to review the LONG list of ways that God has delivered exceedingly and abundantly in the areas of grace and patience as I see my kids floundering in an area of academics.
I always find myself telling my little girls when they get mad when I mark something wrong on their math papers, “Remember! School is not for those who are perfect but for those who are learning!!” And we’re always learning…so why do I panic when even my big kids have a day when they get something wrong on their math papers!
Each year of homeschooling God has grown us in new ways.This year for me it seems to be in the area of trusting him over the results. God wants us to be faithful to our callings as mothers, teachers, parent sponsors – whatever He has called us to do and wherever He has called us to serve. But the results are up to Him. When I remember this, it helps me to rest when one of my kids honestly forgot to turn in an assignment on week 2 of an online class, or when I have put together a wonderful plan for my year but reality dictates a different schedule for our day. “Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.” Thanks Lord, I needed that reminder today!